Blog- Herbs
Blog- Herbs
An ongoing series of informational entries
An ongoing series of informational entries

PH 7, Balance, Apple Cider Vinegar- Spring Tonic
PH 7, Balance, Apple Cider Vinegar- Spring Tonic
March 20,2018
Today March 17,2018 was the beginning of year 12 for the Jesus the Healer Healing School at Living Word Outreach in Trinity Texas. On the third Saturday of the month at noon I made an appointment with God to meet Him at Living Word Outreach in Trinity Texas and teach the Good News that Jesus wants us healthy, wealth and Holy Ghost Wise. We have the right to be living in divine health .
This is a support group to stand together using the Word of God, confessing and meditating on certain healing scriptures. We also explore many of the different natural nutritional solutions for our healthy life experience. We have a healthy lunch, hour of teaching with a syllabus to take home and study, finishing with prayer for your miracle. Every month in last 11 years we have covered something different every month to be healthy. Prayer, standing on the Word of God, and feeding our temples with best quality nutrition will give you the power to live in the miracle lifestyle of the Kingdom of God on this earth.
I have been studying and researching herbs and vitamins since early 70's. Experimenting with natural herbs and vitamins to manage my health needs. The root cause of most diseases starts when your PH is out of balance. The PH measures the acidic or alkaline level of your chemistry in your body. If it is acidic like a stagnant pond you will be sick. When it is balanced toward alkaline level like a free flowing stream you will enjoy wellness in your body. One of the best ways to normalize the PH is Apple Cider Vinegar. Braggs is the best because it has the mother in it. This makes the vinegar cloudy including more enzymes and vitamins. Just 1/2 oz in about 4 oz water every morning will do you wonders. It normalizes the candida-yeast overgrowth. Benefits will lower blood pressure and help loose weight and put a spring in your step as spring tonic.
You do have the power to be healthy by the choices you make everyday. What you think, what you put in your mouth, what comes out of your mouth, what you listen to, what you look at, these are all gates to your inner life that will reflect on your outer life in attitudes and experiences of life. Your choices are still in your control. Never believe lies of enemy of God, what you say is still what you get. I believe only thing we really own in life is our attitude. Take control back and believe God for His Goodness in the land of the living to overflow your life. Read Bible everyday, God still talks through His Word to you. It is a Living Word, more powerful than a two edged sword. The greatest adventure in life is to discover who God really is. The treasure map is in the Holy Bible that many souls over many years gave their lives to bring it to you today. Don't take their sacrifices lightly. There is a Great Cloud of Witnesses watching from the windows of Heaven, cheering you on.

The God Factor
The God Factor
March 20,2018
The God Factor, so many of us go through our day without realizing how much God wants to be a part of our life. He is continually trying to get our attention. " I am your Father and I am here for you to give you a wonderful life", He is saying to us in that still small voice in our hearts. He sent His son to get his family back from the bondage of the world system. Let my people go, he has told the enemy of God. His power is so awesome and glorious and beautiful. His son Jesus came to set the captives free. To heal the brokenhearted to restore your life to the goodness He originally designed for us. The Heavenly Father made a new Covenant sealed with His sons blood to partner with His human family to be one new family. The God family and the Human family are now in covenant together, one new creature in Christ Jesus, the God-Man family. Our bond is love, the banner over us is love, we are full of the God kind of love, with beautiful fruit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, prosperity. He gave us a book to help us understand this new covenant The Holy Bible. Read it daily and you will find a wonderful new adventure of faith and hope, revelation knowledge , wisdom, faith, learning how to Trust God in everything in your life. Keeping Him close by to enjoy life with you and through you.
If you have not joined the family yet, it is very easy to come home. Just say this prayer from your heart.
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe Jesus is your son and he died on the cross for all my sins. Please forgive me for all my sins and be the Lord of my life. I give my life to you. Help me to live the best possible life with you. I love you, thank you. In Jesus name I pray.
Welcome to the family of God. Join one of the local groups that meet in a church near you. Read the bible daily and have a wonderful life.